Jumping Timelines
Category:Articles to ContemplateHere’s a fun experiment to play with!
I recently read the channeled material “The Art of Jumping Time Lines” on Tom Kenyon’s website. According to the channeling, “it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.”
I decided to experiment with the Jumping Timelines technique. Here is a synopsis of what you do:
How to Jump Timelines (& change your possibilities)
- WILL YOURSELF into the VALUE you want in your life. (Value = kindness, courage, joy, playfulness, etc.)
- WILL YOURSELF into the MATCHING VIBRATION of that value (the feeling state)
- LOCK INTO THE FEELING. Amplify it strengthen it, & have gratitude for it. (DO NOT WAVER from the desired feeling.)
- PERSEVERE in holding onto the vision, the feeling, the new vibration.
* The task here is to be true to your vision while paying attention to what the current reality is showing you. It is not about pretending. It is about facing reality as it presents itself to you while simultaneously holding a higher vision. In other words, you deal with the reality of your life while simultaneously holding the vision of a different life. This is the art.
I first attempted to WILL myself into the value of PROSPERITY, but found that was just “too big” of a value for me to feel and vibrate with. So, I thought I better find something a bit “smaller”, with a feeling I could easily resonate with.
Interestingly, something came to me out of the blue… BUOYANCY! Meaning… the ability to bounce back. The ability to endure, persist thru the tough stuff life dishes out.
Buoyancy is easy for me to imagine, sense, and feel. It’s also a fun value to duplicate! I remember those soft bouncy balls that I would purchase for my kids at the toy store when they were young. Those big, soft, colorful balls had such a great boing to them!
So, I WILL myself into the value of buoyancy. Then I MATCH my vibration to that buoyancy. Okay, now I feel a part of me is bouncy. It’s like having resilience with a positive attitude and some endurance. I LOCK INTO this feeling. That’s easy for me since I can easily imagine and sense this buoyancy. And remember, this happens to be a fun feeling for me to duplicate. Perseverance and gratitude are pretty easy when I choose a value that is fun, have a passion for, or totally believe in.
This process of “jumping timelines and changing my probabilities” is becoming a sort of mantra for me. It’s becoming second nature to simply sense this buoyancy, and bounce back thru the tough stuff. In fact, I now allow myself to bounce higher on the rebound!
Experiment with this process for yourself. Choose a value that is easy for you to sense or imagine. Choose something that is fun or that brings you a strong drive or that you feel passionate about. Then remember to be kind and gentle with yourself, and to keep a sense of humor. Humor alone will help elevate your consciousness into a resonance of new possibilities.